It’s time for the 2025 Annual Day of Giving!
Since launching our Annual Day of Giving launched in 2022, we’ve fundraised over $3,300 towards enhancing opportunities for members, enhance professional development offerings, create new membership sponsorships, and lower cost for future professional development events.
Join us on February 26, 2025! #CSPANYSgives
Why we give.
A Word From Our Presidents
Where It Makes a Difference
Support from CSPA-NYS members helps the organization continue to grow, enhance, and create new opportunities for professional development for our members. With this type of support, we will be able to invest directly back in to our members through scholarships, grants, and professional development opportunities that CSPA-NYS offers.
“I remember one of the first CSPA-NYS events I went to was NYLEC and I knew I had made a good investment in my professional development journey. I hope that with the Day of Giving and my contribution we can help make events like NYLEC more affordable to all members.”
- DJ Schier, Director of Student Affairs at Villa Maria College in Buffalo NY
Day of Giving Grant Applications - TBA for 2025
On February 16th, 2022, CSPA-NYS held their inaugural Day of Giving to raise funds to support members of CSPA and affordable professional development opportunities. We were blown away by the generosity of donations received from the CSPA-NYS community. Out of this generosity, two grants have been created to benefit the membership of CSPA-NYS.
Grant Period Opens: TBA
Grant Period Closes: TBA
Grant Review Period: TBA
Winners Announced: TBA
Day of Giving Membership Grant
A pool of $700.00 of the funds raised from Day of Giving 2022 for a total of 20 memberships (10 graduate and 10 professional) are available to apply for through Day of Giving funds. Our goal for this grant is to expand membership opportunities to new and prospective members so that we may continue our goal of supporting new and graduate professionals across New York State. The grant opportunity is available to any individual who has never been a member of CSPA-NYS.
Day of Giving Membership Support Grant
A pool of $300.00 of the funds raised from Day of Giving 2022 are available for members who, due to personal circumstances or lack of institutional professional development support, are unable to renew their membership and are at risk for losing access to CSPA-NYS. We recognize that professional development support has taken a hit due to the global pandemic and want to be sure that we are supporting members who may need assistance with their membership costs. Any current member or member with a recently expired membership (within six months) is eligible for this grant opportunity.
In addition to these grant opportunities, funds from Day of Giving are also being utilized to help offset costs of CSPA-NYS Professional Development opportunities this year to ensure affordable Professional Development opportunities for CSPA-NYS members.
2024 Grant Recipients
Denise Dawkins Weir | Dominican University
Samuel Nortey | Canisius University
Kelvin Baah | Canisius University
Tag us and engage on social media throughout the day!
+ How does my support make a difference?
Funds raised from CSPA-NYS's Annual Day of Giving go directly to members in the form of schoalrship opportunities, more robust professional development offerings, and more!
+ What is this year's fundraising goal?
This year, we're hoping to raise $1,200 in funds from as many donors as possible!
+ Is there a minimum gift amount?
No. Any amount is greatly appreciated! We are more interested in participation, which is why the goal is about the number of gifts not a dollar amount!
+ How can I encourage others to make a gift?
We would love for you to encourage others to make a gift. You can email, text or post on social media about the Day of Giving! Find us on Instagram and Facebook @CSPANYS and use the hashtag #CSPANYSgives
+ How do I make a contribution?
You're in the right place! Click one of the links above!
+ Will my gift be tax deductible?
Yes! You will receive an email confirmation that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. All gifts to CSPA-NYS are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
+ Who can I contact with more questions?
Please contact Ashlee Downing-Duke, Vice President for Educational and Strategic Relationships at or Jeremy Howard, Vice President for Communications at